
Medical problem

I’ll write about serious topic today. I often discuss serious social topic because my boyfriend like to discuss them. I will write one of them in this post.

My boyfriend is pharmacist.
He is very noisy about medical problems.
He says…

Japanese insurance need be used for Japanese medical. Money for medical help for patient’s family members to release ‘care person’, and a hospital will be able to employ many medical staffs.
Generally speaking, a patient brings the family inconvenient life and very expensive medical expenses.
If the family takes care of the patient in home, the family will feel inconvenient life.
And one of the family members is given responsibility.
If the medical staff cares the patient in hospital, the family will take very expensive medical expense.

And the family pays much money for the family member.
When we hope to solve two things at the same time, Japanese insurance is very important. Japan should stop to waste the money, and change to use insurance. Japan can help many families.

Subsidiary, the hospitals employ many medical staff.
The medical staff uses much money in the local area. The money can fill over the society.
As a result, many people in local area make much money.
And he always speech “Japanese insurance is good system, but Japan is high tax and low welfare. It is very very sad story.”

It is difficult for me to understand for certain his ideas. But I think that taking care of a patient will have a lot of troubles. It will take expensive costs just he said.

However, my opinion is the opposite. I think that we shouldn’t depend on insurance.
In our time, I don’t have the full confidence of various Japanese systems. Probably, a lot of people have same opinion. We always hear injustice of company and government system on TV programs or newspaper. So, I can’t confidence in them. I think that I should care of me by myself.

Of course, insurance is very important for our life, but, we shouldn’t too depend on it.
I will tell my boyfriend my opinion. We will discuss this next our date. [358/5872]


The old man Z

Do you know The old man Z (roujin Z)?
It is a cartoon film. I watched it yesterday, because my boyfriend recommended it for me. He said ‘It’s very interesting movie! You should it!’

However, I don’t think that the story is so interesting. It is a little sad and painful story, I think. It is difficult for me to explain the content of story for you, so, please watch it, if you are interested in. There is DVD at TUTAYA. [81/5514]


I love hamburger! Especially, I like McDonald’s food. I eat it about twice a week. I always order “value set”. It has main hamburger, fried potato and drink. You can choose hamburger and drink that you want in “value set”. I often eat shrimp-hamburger and “Quarter-Pond Deluxe”.

“Quarter-Pond Deluxe” is limited the area that I can buy it. The limited area is Kumamoto prefecture. I live in Kumamoto Prefecture now, so I can eat it whenever I want to eat. It is bigger than the other and has a lot of vegetables.

When I’m a bit hungry, value set is too much. So I order “snack pair”. It is very reasonable, it cost only150 yen!! And it has about four pair menu (I forget exactly menus). I always eat hamburger pair. It is normal hamburger and coffee set.

But snack pair is sold only after 14:00. The time is called “snack-time”. When you want to eat it, you should go to McDonald’s after 14:00.

I like hamburger, but, recently, I think that I should reduce the number of times of eat it, because it seems that McDonald’s food has a lot of fat. If I continue to eat it, I will more fat in the future. I want to change the number of times of eat from twice a week into twice a month.

Please let me know your favorite McDonald’s menu, and another good hamburger shop you know. [240]



Do you read newspaper everyday? Recently, I always read it every morning. I bought YOMIURI SHIMBUN.

I think that newspaper has a lot of information, and they are very important for our life.

Certainly, it requires a lot of time to read all articles. Of course, I haven’t enough time to read all, so I read only head line. I can understand the content of information only headline. If I find interest articles, I read the whole passage.

If you feel difficult to read newspaper, please read only headline. [89]

my e-mail adress

I want to change my e-mail address, because I am tired of present my e-mail address.

I have used it since I was high school student. So, I have used for 5 years.

And I have another reason. Recently, a lot of spam mails come in my mail box. I’m very disgusted with them.

I want to change it, but I can’t change it right now, because it is trouble for me to tell a new e-mail address for a lot of people.

And I can’t hit on a nice address. I want to make simple and cool new address. If you have good ideas, please let me knowJ [110/5104]


Recently, I eat agar everyday. Do you know agar? It is called Kanten(寒天) in Japanese.

It has a lot of dietary fibers and moreover, it is a low-calories food. So it was often eaten as diet food.

I eat it for a diet, and of course, I love agar. I have loved it since I was child, because it is my memorial food.

My grandmother often made sweets made of agar and milk. It was agar of milk (Gyunyu-kanten). It was so good, I loved my grandmother’s it.

Now, I’m adult, so I can make it by myself. It is very easy to cook agar of milk. So, I’m going to introduce the recipe.

First, you should prepare agar (250~400yen), milk (150~300yen/1000ml), sugar and fruit (If you want add in it)

Next, you have to boil water (300ml) with milk (300ml), sugar in a same stew pan.

After all materials have mixed and melt, you can move it in mold. Then, you can add some fruits, if you want to eat. And keep it in a refrigerator until it gets cold.

After 2~3 hours later, you can eat so good agar of milk. If you didn’t add sugar, it is low-calories.

I make only water agar sometimes, it is very low-calories. But it is not good so much, I ate it with syrup. If you hate milk, please try to make non-milk agar.

Today, I will make agar of milk with orange. So I will post the pictures in this blog. [254]