
my lunch!

I made pasta for my lunch. There were tomato, onion, and bacon in my home. So I made my ordinal pasta.

New socks!

I bought funny new socks!! This design is very cute.

I bought it at shop, Ree. There are a lot of clothes, accessories, and socks. There are a lot of funny designs of socks. I wanted to buy another design, but I couldn't buy, because I didn't have money.

Do you have any socks like this? If you have it, please tell me:D [63]


New hairstyle

I had my hair keep straight, and cut at shop.

My hair was always frizzy hair, so I don't like the unmanageable hair. So I decided to go to shop.
It took me about 4hours, so it was very hard to keep sit down.

And it was 12600yen. It was very expensive for me, but I had patience to get beautiful straight hairstyle. [63]


I got new pierced earrings yesterday!
I liked it at a glance. It is very cute, and very cheap!! It was 315 yen.

I bought pierced earrings and funny socks at that shop.

I will introduce the funny socks in the next post. [43]


Essay 4 [A memorable day in your life]

I don’t have any memorable day except my birthday. So, for the present my memorable day is my birthday!

My birthday is 5/23. So it is tomorrow (today is 5/22/08). I become 21 years old this year. My boyfriend will celebrate my birthday tomorrow. We will have a good dinner, so I’m looking forward to seeing him.

The last my birthday, it was bad day. He forgot my birthday. I got angry at him, and I was very sad. So I’m going to have a lot of fun at this year birthday.

In my child food, my family held a birthday party for me. My mother made a special dinner, and gave a nice present. I ate good strawberry shortcake. I still love strawberry shortcake, because it was served on my birthday party. My father took picture of birthday party. The picture reminds me of the birthday party. It was precious time. It was a very happy time.

However, my family doesn’t give me present now, only a birthday cake. Sometimes there is no cake. I’m sad, when such a thing happen. But I have to patience, because I’m adult.

In spite of my family, my boyfriend and friends give a lot of happiness on my birthday!

My friends gave me nice present. It was pierced earring, pouch, and clothes. A friend gave me a cute alarm clock, because I always overslept and late getting to the class. I will use it to wake up early.

I’m lucky girl, because I have a wonderful family, friends, and boyfriend. I will celebrate their birthday! [263]