

I ate strawberry jerry of Pastel. Pastel is famous shop of pudding. There were a lot of puddings and jerry. They were pudding of green tea, caramel, and normal. And two jerries were strawberry and fruit. The strawberry jerry looks very good! There were a lot of raw strawberries. It cost 350 yen. I bought both of pudding and strawberry jerry.

After I ate dinner, I ate strawberry jerry. It was very good!! I have never eaten special jerry like this. The taste was real strawberry.

I like better strawberry jerry than pudding. If you go to Pastel shop, please try to eat. [103/1806]

2 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Your photo looks very dericious!!
Please bought me it!!

But I think bad to excessive drinking and eating, Ayumi.

How do you spend your GW?

From Tina

Ayumi さんのコメント...

I tried it again and again, to take a good picture:)
and I think that excessive eating is very bad too. I will stand to eat a lot!